LeaP's 2023 PROJECTS
A Community Partnership School is a partnership between a school district, a health care provider, a university or college, and a non-profit that convenes services via a "hub" where children and families find support. Schools become centers of the community, open to everyone in a "one stop shopping" service model.
C.A. Weis is proud to be the first elementary level community partnership school in the state of Florida.
LeaP 2023 is excited to join into this partnership in the establishment of a “Care Closet” for students to access basic need items at no cost; to include hygiene/personal care, clothing, and nutritious, easy to take home food. LeaP 2023 also plans to rehab the current guidance office, to offer a warm and inviting space.
Provide necessary items for both children and families in need.
Improve basic quality of life for some of our most vulnerable residents.
Further strengthen this community based partnership.

Utilizes a multi-tier approach to address childhood food insecurity. Unique programs provide children and families with consistent meals for healthy long-term development and positive educational outcomes.
LeaP 2023 will partner in the establishment of their newest program, the School Pantry Program, in order to provide children with easy access to nutritious, nonperishable, and easily consumed food and other necessities.
Pantries will be installed in three Escambia Co locations: Ebonwood, Brownsville, and Wedgewood Community Centers.
Provide children dignity and comfort in selecting food and other items which they or their family need.
Increase access to nutritious meals to children and families.
Make a difference and raise awareness of those members of our community living in high need, low access areas.
Throughout the upcoming months, members of LeaP 2023 Class of are conducting a myriad of fundraising efforts to support these two projects. However, we can’t execute these goals without the support of our community and ask for donations whether they be direct monetary gifts, in-kind donations, or volunteer labor from subject matter experts. Please give as able to help us realize our goals to provide support to these underserved communities located within the Escambia County zip codes with the highest rates of childhood poverty.